First "official" blogpost

I was just looking at our instagram and realised it's not really what we wanted it to be, it's not very personal at all.
While this whole thing started with us wanting to share our story, that's exactly what we haven't done.

All our instagram says is that we're a young couple in a long distance relationship and we want to have a homestead someday, that doesn't say much about who we are..

Since we started our instagram account and this blog we've been trying to write an "about us" post but it has proven to be much harder than we thought. I can't figure out what to share and what to keep to myself, should we tell people about our whole life, or just since we met? Justin and I only met last summer and a couple months before we didnt even know about the others existence.

Besides that I'm not a professional writer, or know anything about writing for that matter.
English isn't even my native language so I don't know if I'm capable of writing whole blog posts without making tons of grammar mistakes.
Justin doesn't even have a computer and writing blog posts from his phone isn't really an option lol.
So I guess I'll just have to give it a shot and stop doubting myself so much.

So hi, my name is Steffi and I was born and raised in a small town in Belgium.
I'm mostly gonna be the one writing blogposts and uploading photos to instagram for now, since Justin doesn't have access to the excessive amounts of technology I have gathered over the years lol.
This is really random but I never said "lol" before I met Justin (Fun fact for you guys).
Like I said I don't really know what to share about myself, or what would be interesting to know.
I'm 25 years old and I met Justin in a prepper group on facebook in 2017.
I only learned about homesteading a couple months before I found him and it was like I finally knew my place in this world.
In a short period of time I got my heart broken, learned about this amazing way of life, met the man of my dreams and got the chance to meet him in real life, so I got on a plane all by myself and went to the USA. I don't know if that story would be interesting to tell so if anyone ever reads this and wants to know, I'd be happy to share.

Same with my "life story", if somebody reading this is actually interested, please let me know and I'll attempt to make a post about it.

Besides being a 25 year old girl in Belgium I also love cooking and baking, herbalism, photography and I'm interested in pretty much anything and everything that has somewhat to do with nature.

I'm going to try my best to make our instagram more personal instead of just a collection of non-descript pictures.
And I will try to make more blog posts, even if Justin and I are the only ones reading them lol.

- Steffi
